

In 1982, he settled down and in his grandparents’ house in Hosszúhetény, a place which filled him creative energy. From the 1990s onwards, he received major commissions and was significantly supported by the mayor of Hosszúhetény, who commissioned him to create the World War Memorial (1990) in the cemetery, the Plastic 2 (1996) in the main square, and the Hetény Chief (2001) at the beginning of the road to Szentlászló, in the yard of a small abandoned quarry.

(The photos of the house of Hosszúhetény and the memorial plaque were taken by uzmaria.)

The spirit of land art is present throughout his work. For his outdoor works he always selected materials and worked them to fit in with their surroundings. His smaller sculptures were created with the hope of a large-scale realisation. A good example of this is the kneeling female figure, the 33 cm high Praying Woman carved in 1965 from cherry wood. He also sculpted this same figure almost twenty years later from Carrara marble for a 172 cm high tomb, which is located today in the public cemetery in Mohács (János and Jánosné Czita, parcel 8).

Written and edited by: Anna Tüskés